Thursday, 3 January 2013

He is still watching...

I asked for happiness
He gave me melancholy
I asked for colorful dreams
He gave me blurred life
I asked for mellow rays
He gave me hot blazing sunrays
I asked for tears of joy
He gave me tears of grief

Why? I asked him
He flashed a simple smile
May be he is making me strong
Or is this my destiny, I wondered
I feel like giving up at times
I don’t see any reason to go on
But I am not a loser, my mind argues
And I strive harder to be keep going on

Then I err; there I fall
I lose my confidence
In darkness, I hunt for the lost determination
I ponder deep within
Can I reinvent myself, I introspect
Good old days cannot be gone forever
Where has the optimism vanished, I ponder
I sigh and then smile believing that He is still watching…

As a part of One single Impression


  1. Wonderful poem! Positive attitude is one of the best things we can have in life:)

  2. Being positive in tough situations help us move ahead in life conquering all obstacles ... well written :-)

  3. so glad the optimism was found in the end!

  4. Hang in there. HE will guide you to all you want and desire. He is watching.

  5. Can relate to this poem Rekha...I have the similar thoughts as you penned!
