Saturday 1 June 2013

Exam Time

Once again… It is that part of the year when exam pressure builds within me. And this time, exam is indeed going to be frustrating and infuriating. Yes. All my exams are in morning; that too from nine ‘o’ clock to 12noon. Isn’t that too early?

To begin with, I hate to write exams in the mornings. I feel sleep deprived and underprepared. Nothing can be irritating that this. Uncertainty is the last thing I wish to carry to my exam hall L

Anyways… I am desperately trying to focus on the light that will be at the end of the tunnel than focusing on the tunnel per se. A welcome distraction it is. A nice way to be motivated too… I believe… J

Well… I feel that the exam fever is taking a toll on me. Am I not blabbering? So let’s change the subject.

Being June… I am waiting for the downpour enthusiastically. Days of rains… umbrellas… rain coats… thick blankets is fast approaching. Well, I am someone who feels happy to be wet because of rain than sweat. Rain has a magical charm attached to it. After all, it is capable of evoking the childish side in you.

So here I am stepping into a new month… Praying that I could study extensively… Waiting to be kissed by rain… And hoping to add umpteen memories to the album called life!