Tuesday 11 June 2013

Planning Vs Doing

Planning and doing is different things.

We all plan things. In fact, we are even ready to spend hours in drawing a perfect plan. But how many of us really follow the plan? How many of those are really practical?

Setting realistic targets and walking steadily towards those goals is the most difficult task. We humans are impatient. We want instant results. We can’t wait. We compare ourselves with people who have reached the pinnacle of success. But, we never try to understand how they evolved from the scrap. We fail to see the hardships they would have undergone and the failures on which they would have stumbled.

Many of us believe that a perfect plan would reap us the desired results. But, it is only a perception, a wrong perception. A plan is imperative indeed. But what is pivotal is action.

It is easy to set alarm at six in the morning and do (m)any the following:
·         Hit the gym
·         Study for exams
·         Read the newspaper
·         Practice yoga
And do much such other stuff. Yet the trigger to do anything you desire is to wake up. If you snooze the alarm clock and opt to dream more, nothing will happen.

In short, planning is important. But acting is unavoidable.
So all of you there… Start acting. You have already spent half of your life in planning.



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