Wednesday 28 August 2013

A Puppet

A puppet dances to the tunes composed by others...
And sadly, the steps are also choreographed by someone...
But who is there to appreciate the puppet’s efforts?

The puppet goes through emotional and mental strain...
And frustrating part is that in spite of dancing to others tune and strictly adhering to the choreographed steps, no recognition comes on the way. There is no appreciation. There is only denial.

Another amazing fact is that the puppet’s efforts go in water if the music composer or the choreographer fails.

What life is that? Where is the individual identity? The puppet is talented too. It is also well-trained. It may it lack good years of experience. But that does not qualify the puppet to be a slave.

Slavery is misery. It paves way to nothingness. It preys on happiness and sucks contentment.

Am I a puppet too, I wonder...

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