Saturday, 13 September 2014

Why Did you Go?

And the Sunsets…
Leaving me in darkness…
Artificial lights surrounds me…
I search for the Sun…
Why did you go?

I wish I was sun kissed again…
Bathed by its mellow rays…
Caressed by its golden hands…
But, the sun has set…
Why did you go?

Leaving me in the darkness…
I am in the dark, without the Sun.
I cry and the tears go unseen in the dark…
Those thousand hands are not there to wipe them off…
Why did you go?

Yet, I feel happy…
That the sun is rising
In another time; another world
It is touching so many other lives…
Spreading happiness; gulping darkness.


  1. Relax. It will raise again in your world in a few hours.

  2. it comes and it goes, but if there's a strong possibility that it will come again, it is easier to face the darkness.

  3. Wait till your next morning, your sun will spread light around you.

  4. Darkness.. Still it's not always far from Dawn - it just seems so

  5. Darkness is always there to precede light and good things in life open up. Nicely Locomente!


  6. Sun, and sunshine, is good. Very good.

  7. sun is life...but darkness has moon and stars...there's no end of beauty and wisdom....

  8. The sun keeps running out on us. But every morning he comes back showing off with a sunrise in hopes of being forgiven....

  9. Yes! Just that second of doubt can be a long winter in fear of abandonment.

  10. There is a bit of the little death about the darkness and sleep I think!

  11. Yes, the dark comes but there is always the morn again.

  12. Ah, it is comforting to realize that the sun will always return. Sometimes I think we wouldn't appreciate the sun as much if it was with us always.

    1. If that comfort and assurance is not there...
      Life would be really tough!
