Thursday 15 February 2018

Midnight Rumblings

And the night is here...

Dark yet radiating with the velvety hues.

The silence has enveloped my surrounding

I toss and turn -

Missing your warmth beside;

Filling the vacuum with your rhythmic breathing.

It could have been a special day -

Another sweet night; dreamlike.

But it's not!

For I miss you and feel empty

Like the sky on a no moon day.

I feel like the stagnated water; 

Waiting to ripple.

I glow though as your memories run in my mind,

Succumbing to nonchalance;

Hoping to hold you tight at least in my dreams.

Like the tiny illumination in the corner of nowhere.

I smile - surprising myself;

I realise what a natural part of me you've become.

Nothing is real and the surrealism is a temptress.

The night is giving way to the dawn;

I feel peace taking over me.

I count each second as the butterflies flutter within.

And I wait...

To taste sweetness of your presence again!

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