Friday, 6 January 2023

A Happy Smile

At the break of dawn, she left for her job.

While sweeping, she thought of all the people who would have been there last night and the good time they may have had. She smiled at the thought of her last night.

It was New Year’s Eve and her daughters, aged seven and four, wanted to celebrate like everybody. Poor children don’t know that there is a cost for everything. But she didn’t want to disappoint them. She boiled rice, milk and sugar together to her daughters’ delight. They watched the fireworks and happily had the “cup pudding” as she called it.

PS: Thanks Rochelle for this wonderful image prompt! 

PPS: I am participating in Friday Fictioneers after ages. The last was in the March of 2015!



  1. Welcome back with such a charming story. :-)

  2. Love this! Very sweet and comforting.

  3. so sweet - like the rice pud :)

  4. Happy New Year! Lovely to meet 😊

  5. One of the many responsibilities of parents is to make sure their kids have happy memories. She's a good parent. Welcome back to FF!

  6. Aw. A wonderful way to "party' with those little girls :)

  7. Welcome back, Locomente.

    Shalom and happy new year,


  8. This story intrigued me. MH
