Friday, 24 March 2023

The Tree of Love

Once upon a time,
Several years ago -
When we were children
Exploring the newness of everything 
Experiencing the first times,
We planted a seed.
We immersed it deep in soil
We watered it. Took care of it.
No, not in turns.
Together instead. 
Years passed. 
Not only the plant, we bloomed too.
There were smiles and happiness.
Belongingness and hope.
Then our paths drifted.
We grew apart. 
The tree we nurtured was cut too.
In its place, there are little plants -
In the house that was built there.
Those are not as majestic as our tree.
But life moves on.
Even flower withers.
Everything alive dies.
If our love is dead today -
It should have been alive once.


  1. Beautiful poem. I loved it. "Then our paths drifted. We grew apart". I don't know how to turn these lines into poetry.

  2. I wrote a blog post in which I mentioned your blog. You may want to read it and comment. Here it is:
