Thursday 8 February 2024


Words - when we read or hear the word "word" or "words", it makes us think of many words we have liked or use regularly or some words we don't recall what it actually means. We all have favorite words and words that don't sound quite right. For instance, i love words like tintinnabulation. Phantasmagoria. Panache. Rendezvous. Ode. Slumber. You see, each of these words carry an aura. Aura.Alright, there are many such ones. Then there are words that sounds beautiful but are actually dangerous. Like spiteful. When you say that word, it's like you are saying skillful. Or even grateful. But see what it means. Or vengeance. It sounds elegant, doesn't it? Like brilliance? Now words like depressed  supressed, oppressed sound like what they mean. Even words like baby, love, children, happiness, serenity and all that.

Anyways, what I have been thinking is that words make our existence beautiful whether they are written or said. Read or heard. Of course, there is an undeniable charm in written words, especially those passed down to paper using a pen and specifically aimed to be delivered to someone. Letters, i mean. Letters are like photographs, I mean the printed photographs that are thoughtfully and carefully encased in albums. Now we have a gazillion photos in our phones and hard disks and cloud and where not. But how often do we revisit them? Do we even visit them? Similarly, we maybe chatting with people over apps. But how often do we sit down and write? Or make the effort to meet them in person. Or even call over the phone and have a conversation? 

Let's imagine, we went to a book shop today. We will ping our dear ones and say, "went to book shop. Bought 2 books" and send the pics of those two books. What if we had to write/type about this? 

Here you go.. 
Hi dear.... Today i happened to visit a bookstore. It's been ages you know. You remember the last time? We visited together. It was such a lovely day. I think it was during Christmas. The roads were lit and people were wearing red clothes mostly. We even bought those tiaras with lights. So silly of us. I remembered all this and thought about you. I think we should do that more often.  Ended buying two books. One is this amazing book set during world war... it's called The Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society. Apparently, there is a Netflix movie also. You know Guernsey is actually a place? Anyways, another is called The Mountains sing. It's set in Vietnam during their war time. I just noticed that both the books are set during war times. Have you read these books? I can't wait to read these!" 

Now you see the difference. Doesn't this seem more personalised? If we had talked to that person, we may have said more. It may have felt more real. 

In these times of instant pings, the charm of words is missed.  Hmmm... K... Haha... Lol... Yeah... What do these even mean?
Where are the words that rolls and twirls... That spikes and shrills... That whispers and sighs... Since the advent of internet, why do we write less? Talk less? Why do we not read anything personalised anymore? We are surrounded with memes and trolls only. Why don't we meet people more often? Why are we so connected (pun intended) yet so disconnected and isolated?

Words... That's a gift that only human beings have. I don't see us using it much anymore. I wish we treat words with the kind of love and respect they deserve.

As a staunch romantic when it comes to words, it hurts.

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