Sunday, 21 July 2013

Why I Blog?

From being a passionate blogger, I have come a long way. I have seen myself as a habituated blogger. Then an obsessive blogger and today I am an addictive blogger.

Yes, I blog like an addict. I write regularly and relentlessly. At times I behave restlessly when I fail to come up with something.

This Sunday, I got an opportunity to spend some time with myself. And I had only one question for which I wanted an answer...

Why I blog?

Over the past one and a half years, I have never managed to steal some time for myself. Weekdays will be work and more work. Mostly 10-12 hours would be spent in office. And then, on weekends, I travel back home. At home, I would spend time with my parents, ride my dear scooterette and do some petty shopping.

Life has become so mechanical, I realize. There is no fun. No friends. No life.

If at all I find some solace, I find it in the lap of words. When I see a MS-Word document that is full of words penned by me, I feel elated. A strange contentment passes through my mind. I get a feeling that a day is not wasted; that I have done something worthy enough. Then, when I post it in my blog, I feel awesome.

Indeed, I do feel bad when I don’t find enough followers to my blog... when the comments are very less. But I also know the reason. I am not regular in reading others blogs. So how can I expect others to do the same, right?

But no regrets! I am happy that my blog is a power-house that assures me that I am doing something in a day. It makes me feel important. I feel euphoric when I get a book for review... I feel splendid and energized when I win some goodies. Suddenly, life seems worthy enough.

In short, this weekend gave ample space and time for self-interrogation. And all I have to say that I am happy as a writer. However unceremonious my personal and professional life may be, the writer in me keeps me going.

The writer within nags me to read more books... motivates to me walk into a movie hall... it persuades me to observe things around... it makes in fall in love with life... with nature... with myself.

The words enwrap me when my eyes well up. It understands the unspoken. It lets me dream and fantasize. It makes me pen stories and poems.

And my Locomente makes me happy.
As a result, I choose to be Locomente than Satya...
The moment that choice is made, laughter and smiles follows...
Love and awesomeness surrounds...
And life seems to be worth it!!!

Hence I blog!!! J


  1. Just chill madam. There are lot of followers like me for your blog who just slently admire what you write and observe the beauty in your writing

  2. I blog for the same reason Loco! Blogging gives me loads of satisfaction and happiness!

    Keep writing and happy writing!!
