Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Karthikai Kolam 2014

Last Saturday, we delightfully lit little lights on our courtyards…
It was Karthikai Vilakku after all…

And, I made a huge dotted kolam with my signature designs ariund…
The output flabbergasted me!

It looked perfect… And, I was pleased with myself…
It took an hour to make it and I felt proud at the end!

PS: Because many people asked me what a Kolam is…
Kolam refers to intricate patterns drawn both free handedly and by joining dots. These can be widely seen in the Southern part of India. Women draw this early morning, preferably before Sunrise after cleaning the courtyard. Earlier rice powder was used – it was a means to feed ants and small insects. However, these days, stone powder and even chalk is used. If such powders are used, it is called Pudi Kolam. Sometimes, brick powder will be used as outline on auspicious days, Tuesdays and Fridays. If rice powder is mixed in water and similar patterns are drawn, it is called Maavu/Maa Kolam. In West Bengal, it is called Alpona. In North India, people used rice/stone powders for the outline and fill the patterns with colors. This is called Rangoli.

It is believed that Kolam brings prosperity. It is drawn for almost all the auspicious occasions like marriages and festivals. When someone dies in the household, the family don’t draw any kolam for a year.  

Children in small towns learn the art of making kolam at a very young age. In fact, a girl who knows to draw impeccable and intricate kolam is a pride for the entire family and the village she stays. However, owing to modernization, city life and apartment culture, this art is soon dying.


  1. It looks beautiful satya...I can guess how tough job it is to get such a perfect design..!!

  2. The design is lovely ... you should really be proud of yourself :-)

  3. howmany hours did u take to draw it? It's really amazing..

  4. Thanks a lot. I have added my blog there!

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  6. Thanks a lot. That was really cute.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family too! :)
