Friday, 30 January 2015

Let Them Be!

“If you want to be you… Let me be me!”

I believe that this demand is fair and simple.

I don’t deny that healthy long-term relationships works on the law of compromise. Where one person gives up something and other person also gives up some other things. In this way, a balance is reached. When such a balance is reached, life becomes a bliss despite the dissimilarities and sacrifices.

However, these days, financial and emotional independence has made people forget the importance of sharing and caring. Self-obsession and ego has taken front seat leading to loneliness which kills. The desire to share will be in ample, but, there would be no pairs of ears to listen. No fingers to wipe tears and no shoulders to lay on.

In most of the relationships, one person demands to be accepted as is and the other person accepts it forcefully. During initial days, such a compromise would seem natural. However, over years, it becomes suffocating and infuriating.

If you fill more and more air into balloon, it will only burst. Similarly, if you forcefully make others to change in the way you want, they will have no other option but to run away!

So beware!

And remember,
Making relationships is toughest.

And breaking them is easiest! J


  1. Relationships should be handled with care :-)

  2. "If you fill more and more air into balloon, it will only burst" nice way to explain the crux of relationship... Sharing and caring keep a relationship alive.... :-)

  3. I think if we only stick with The Golden Rule, more relationships could be saved.

  4. Adjustments and compromises work up to a point. Where two incompatible people are involved,they do not guarantee a life of bliss.Certain basic values are non-negotiable.They are best ascertained and sorted out before entering into any relationship. Sadly in many cases the true traits come out much later.The moral is not to rush into relationships headlong without adequate scrutiny.

    1. But, can the moral be practically applied? True shade of any person will be apparent only over a period of time.
      Initially, everyone will be sweet!

  5. That balloon analogy is apt.

    Destination Infinity

  6. This is very true, I agree! Compromises must be made by both people in a relationship. :)

  7. Well written & I agree with each and every word you said..:-P

  8. Being you and being me overlaps in a relationship to some extent. There is never completely you or me. Peace! :D

  9. If we choose to be an island then bring me and being you works. If we want relationships in life, every kind needs compromises and we need yo learn to make them without get ng suffocated. That is the beauty of compromises and it happens when there is unconditional love.

    1. And such an unconditional love is a rarity these days

  10. compromises have to be reasonable, then only they look cute and bearable, else as you said, it just goes down hill for a relationship...
