Saturday, 14 November 2015

Be The Change!

Be the change
Dear O’ little ones…

Look up at your elders
Learn from their mistakes…
Be the change…
Bring the change.

Tomorrow is in your hands.
Stop blaming the past
Instead, strive hard
And please make it beautiful.

Be the change
Dear O’ little ones…

When I die
I want to see the world you have created
Not the one that I have destroyed.
So, be the change!

PS: In India, 14th November is celebrated as Children’s Day in the fond memories of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. On this day, I dedicate this little song for all the children around the world. I hope that they shall be the change!

PPS: Universal Children’s Day is on 20th November J


  1. Hmm, the last part effectively tells how our generation has maimed the world.

  2. I guess they don't have options but to be the change. If they want to survive, i.e. Your poem even inspires me to be the change :P

    Destination Infinity

    1. I am so glad to hear that...Thanks a lot :)

  3. Very well written verse. Yes, we have spoiled their future. They should try their best to change it to the better one. Feel like saying 'sorry' to them.

    1. We should be told "sorry" too... Its just a vicious cycle I guess!
