Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Bottle Painting

A bottle painting competition was held in our office. The topic was “Old and New”. And, I was a part of a team with two others. Over 50 teams participated. We were among the top 10 bottles (5th place to be specific) and won consolation prize. The entire process of planning and executing it was an experience that I am sure that would cherish forever.

So, here is what we intended in our painting:
The wide sky which spreads like a velvet blanket and the mighty sun that blazes above us remains the same; witnessing the sea of changes evolving underneath. From air to water, sea to sand, dinosaurs to tiny viruses, huge trees to green grasses, etc. everything has changed over years.

Mud houses are replaced with apartments…. Automobiles are used in the place of donkeys and bullock carts… Lush greeneries have become a part of parks and pets are estranged from their clan… Old parents are left to live by themselves as their children run to chase their destiny…  Their grandchildren grow up without knowing what it means to be with extended families and cousins. And, worli Painting (traditional art form) is used to depict the old and cartoons (modern art) used for present.

We don’t know if this is good or bad. All we know is that this is the reality - a change that we have taken for granted.

And thus, we presented our theme - Old Vs New – where old days of togetherness and living in harmony with the nature is replaced with isolation from people and nature in the name of changing times.

I am also presenting a glimpse of other bottles J


  1. office is really cool dear..

    and the concept of your bottles awesome and as every one knew once again satya proves that she is awesome at painting...

    congo baby..!!

  2. Awesome idea ... awesome art displayed here ... smiles ... social art as well ... love, cat.

  3. Wow, I like the high contrast color. But as with life, even in your bottle, the greens are almost invisible! You have exchanged greenery for glittery -- what a symbolism even in that :P

    Destination Infinity

  4. Wow I should try this. They all look so fabulous :D

    1. Eager to see the pictures of your painting :)

  5. Loved the concept ... bottle painting is creative and the end product looks great :-)

  6. Wow man,,!! That is simply brilliant and intriguing as well.. and the painting looks terrific..!!


    1. Thanks a lot Geets... Glad that you liked it :)

  7. This is so creative! You are a wonderful artist! I tried watercolour painting and failed miserably. Will try again.
