Saturday, 14 May 2016

Who said?

Failure is the stepping stone to success
Who said?
When the steps are never-ending;
Its excruciating pain is interminable.
The perpetual desire to succeed-
Would wear out; motivation would die
Each step feels heavier.
Life becomes uncertain; unending
A dying urge to run away engulfs
Success is round the corner-
Says a feeble voice within.
Eyes search for it; heart waits for it.
But there are only more steps.
Finally it ends;
When life ends too!


  1. True words and thoughts no doubt. Warm greetings.

  2. HaHaHa. Beautiful. I just remembered a line from the great comedian George Carlin. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

  3. Pretty thoughtful. I'll call it the mirage called success!

  4. Success is boring. There is not much to strive after attaining it, and our egos inflate. Failure is a better option ;)

    Destination Infinity

  5. The perpetual desire to succeed-
    Would wear out; motivation would die
    Each step feels heavier.

    Life is a constant struggle towards achieving happiness and success.
    Beautifully written.

    Lots of love,

  6. Success can breed more yearning for further success. Where does it end?

  7. Life is indeed one step after another - at times it seems there are more failures than successes but perhaps we recall the bad steps more vividly than the good..

  8. Success breed success, and failures seem to be steps to stumble and fall instead of learning... in the end I think it's luck that guide us on those paths.

  9. It does feel that way sometimes.. but maybe one will catch a break sometimes and the steps will flatten out to a smooth road to the top... maybe.

  10. That is life all over we can only succeed if we move on but moving on will only get us to the end!

  11. The hopes that never come only the failures, and they crush us if we don't find our own grace within and keeping moving.


  12. I resonate with these lines, as life is indeed a series of starting over's and moving on's.........rather jarring after all that effort to be rewarded with death! LOL.

  13. Ha ha ha, I do love the inappropriate comments of the spammers, which manage always to be just a little wide of the mark for poetry posts. (Speaking of success and failure.)

  14. I think there is some truth in the idea that failures may eventually lead to success – if they are due to mistakes we can learn from and correct. But I think we need only a small measure of worldly success anyway, and od better to seek joy.

  15. This poem carries a bleak truth to it's natural conclusion. Fortunately, the opposite is also true. And it's more fun than not trying. Haha!

  16. Nice idea,I liked it but would say that the steps stop at different floors and one has opt for the floor they want.So march forward to success.
