Saturday 19 April 2014

Memories of Loved ones...

Memories of loved ones always follow like a shadow...
It enwraps us like the sky above us which never fails to be our giant umbrella...
Precious tears will be shed in loved ones memories...
It leaves our eyes like the leaves that fall from huge tree...
But leaves fall to be grown afresh...
Similarly dear tears shed will accelerate more memories of dear ones...

Memories of loved ones never leave us... It grows with us... It matures with us...

We smile thinking about all those times when that loved one made us cry... when that someone hurt us...
Then we cry thinking about all those times when that loved one made us so happy... when that someone made us smile...

Life is this... Confusing...
Happy memories of those loved ones will multiply and sad memories evaporates with tears that we shed...

As we make peace with life and accept the fact that they are not with us anymore (physically)... serenity passes through our body...

Such is the memories of loved ones...


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