Friday, 13 June 2014

Without You

What would I do…?
Without you?

Missing those tiny eyes that looks through me
Beyond me

Thinking of those times spent together
On phone and of course
In the arms

Missing that laughter which irritates at times
And makes me laugh many times
Ah! I could hear it in my head J

Thinking of all the love you have given me
All the fights we have had
And wondering how grudges mellows in no time

Missing you a lot, in tons, in abundance
Your absence pricks me, for I am away
In a foreign land with nothing but your memories

Thinking of those pings and cuddles
Luncheons and dinners
And oh! So many more happy days

Missing everything
Your arms and its safety
Your eyes and its warmth

Thinking that I should stop
Because you don’t like to read what I feel
I don’t want to irritate you love, but love!


  1. Distance makes the heart grows fonder.

    1. I agree but Not always...

    2. It always does Kalpana...

    3. And Siv... It depends on the intensity of love one feels!

  2. Locomente Awesome lines... but no need for the tragic end..
    I loved the ending note 'but love'
    Just to pointing d author love always persist... there is no end for love...

  3. Beautiful lines here Satya! :)
