PART - 1

Cool breeze will be swaying...
The Sun will be slowly popping out...
Ladies will be cleaning the courtyard...
And the broom will be scratching the floor ferociously...
Bajans will be on full volume at temples...
The mixie will be yelling...
The cooker will be whistling ...
And... the Alarm would go on
Oh yeah...
I do hear all this...

I end up snoozing the alarm!!!
(How I would wish that I could put the others to the silent mode too!!!)
Whats the point...
I cant sleep forever...
I have office to attend...
I wake up reluctantly...
Brush... Bathe...

Get confused on which dress to wear...
And then... the endless search for matching ear ring... Watch and bangle...
(Thank God... Office tiles are slippery. Else... The search would have applied to slippers too!!!)
I would swallow food...
And ride (Or rather fly) my scooter as fast as possible...
With the intention and desire to reach office on time...
But Alas!!!
As always...
I will be at least 10 minutes late..
My Principal would glare at me.
Earlier he used to advice to reach on time...
Then he scolded.
Now, he has given up...
Oh My God....
I'll miss Office!!!!
PART - 2
There will be no work...
And there will be free systems...
The work in hand would be too much to handle...
Yet there will not be any systems...
All the time...
The constant stares of our Principal will be felt...
The anxiety on his presence...
And the excitement in his absence...
The apparent blunders...
And the hidden mistakes...
Both will fall in the eyes of Principal...
He would laugh
(An evil laughter or a teasing one??)
And say, "Your age is my experience"!!!
What else can I do??
I simple admire him...
The admiration towards him would outshine the embarrassment caused by the mistake!!!
But, Sometimes...
he may be in foul mood...
he would scream like anything...
he would end up saying, "My foot yaar!!!"
And all of us (Almost two dozen of us) would start sweating endlessly.
Oh no...
The thought of not seeing his mood swings...
His yells and shrills...
The thought of not seeing his salt and pepper hair...
The glares and stares...
The advice...
Oh My God....
I'll miss Office!!!!
PART - 3

I will miss him more as I will never get to hear him say, "Don't be so casual"
I will miss the lectures on "Officer's quality"
The story of "Golden Cage"
(That is... "Articleship is like a golden oppotunity to do mistakes and yet avoid facing the consequences; Because, the Principal will always be there to protect... guide and correct you. Yet... Its a cage - A golden Cage!!!")
And the "Parrot Story"There were parrots kept for sales...
The sales price for each was Rs.100/-
But, only one cost Rs.10,000/-
All the parrots worked hard...
But the Rs.10,000/- parrot sat idle
The Buyer asked why the active parrots cost less than the parrot sitting idle...
And the parrot answered that it is the Boss for all the other parrots...
And that it is paid higher for supervising others!!!!!
I will also be missing the way he says, "Hello"
And the way he says, "Nokkuppa!!!"
I am going to miss my Principal...
He is the one who injected confidence...
he made me independent...
He made me more responsible...
I may not have been appreciated enough...
I am happy that he is my Principal...
That I cleared CA-Final during articleship...and made him feel proud!!!
I'll miss Office!!!!
PART - 4
The poor jokes and the innovative ways with which we pull each others legs...
The never ending lunch...
The gossips and laughter...
The feeling of togetherness....
The naughtiness when sir leaves office
And the common fear when he gets in...
I am going to miss them a lot...
Who will comment on my dresses...
My ear rings??
And compel them to leave office as soon as the clock hit 5:15pm!!!
I have studied...
The Consensus Ad Idem
The Espirit De Corps
It was my office who made me practically understand its meanings...
To whom will I say, "Poor Performance. Utterly disappointed"??
Whom will I call as "Mandodhari" or "Kraathaga"??
I'll miss Office!!!!
PART - 5

But, the days at office has strengthen our relationship more...
Most of the time...
She has been the only motivation to go to office...
We have done almost everything there...
From serious work to pranks to anthankshari to....
(The list is endless!!!)
I am going to miss her...
She is more a habit now...
A twin....
My girlfriend...My best friend...
I will be missing our enthusiasm while planning the similar dress and accessories...
I may be meeting her...
I may be talking to her...
But, the fun we had and the time spent at office is memorable...
Both sweet and bitter ones...
I am going to miss our hang out at the Chat shop near to our office...
The never ending shopping after office hours...
Oh My God....
I'll miss Office!!!!
PART - 6

The gush of happiness at the thought of leaving office and going home...
The sense of freedom while climbing down the stairs...
And the divine pleasure while breathing the fresh air....
Oh My God....
I'll miss Office!!!!
Oh My God....
I'll miss Office!!!!
The reluctance...
My office...
My Principal...
Those two staffs....
My peers - My friends...
The fear...
The anxiety...
The excitement...
Poor jokes (We call "Chali")
The luncheons...
The audit reports...
Replies to Intimations...
The Project Reports...
Oh My God....
I'll miss Office!!!!
It may be a new beginning...
But it is also an end to memorable days...
I have been there for about 921 days (approximately)
Its been 3.5 years now...
Its not easy to bid adieu...
But they say, "Life moves on"
And I feel like saying, "I don't want life to move on"
I am used to my routine life...
And i am fine with it...
But yes...
That's life...
As far as my office is concerned...
I am just another article assistanet...
But, for me... It is special...

It is the place from where I became the Post Graduate that I am today...
It is the place from where I have learnt the basic and advance Auditing..
It is the place from where I got my first pay cheque...
It is one place which i can never forget!!
Oh My God....
I'll miss Office!!!!
Dear friend...
ReplyDeleteWhatever you said applies to every Articled Assistant, I think...
Atleast to whom, it has turned a part of their life...
We spend lion's share of our time in our office...
Amidst of ITRs, 143(1) intimations, Appeals, Utilisation Certificates... The list never ends!!! Atlast, when our prescribed tenure is over, we are asked to step out from the office... Confused whether to walk forward or to turn back!!! Touching Presentation dear... :)
TRUE!!! Ya i meant to say that every articled assistant wil b entering the firm with a feel that he/she is entering a cage full of lions n leopards!!! But when ultimately the end comes for the tenure of the period... Uhhhhh.... Wil miss the office like anything... Truly ironical but a reality... But d way with which u hv described is truly wonderful...:) :)