Saturday, 27 July 2013

Waiting for the Sunrise and Sunshine...

Velvety night
And dazzling stars
Ignites your sweet memories
Memories of smiles and happiness
Memories of innocence and adolescence
Scent of first love spreads within
Yet tears roll down my cheeks
As air of despair crushes me into pieces
It shreds the mask of happiness that I adorn
Where are you, I am wondering
Do you miss me too, I want to know
Oh! This velvety night
And dazzling stars
Rekindling unforgotten yet buried memories
With tears filled eyes
And wounded heart
I am waiting for the Sunrise
And the sunshine!


  1. Its just a matter of time before both the sunrise and sunshine is back in your life :)

    1. Hopefully hoping for the same...
      Thanks Kiran :)

  2. Moods really are like weather no matter how dark the sun will emerge again =) Even the rain is essential for growth

  3. With tears filled eyes
    And wounded heart
    I am waiting for the Sunrise
    And the sunshine!

    The yearnings for a loved one can frustrating. Yet at different times it can happen in seconds! Well depicted satya!

