Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Awards Time!

There is no greater joy than the joy of receiving awards. It is like a pat on the back… Like that surprise gift you get from loved ones….

And this award came as a sweet surprise!
I heartily thank Soumya for nominating me.

Here are the rules of receiving the Award
1. Display the logo in a post.
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back.
3. Use the alphabets to describe yourself in a word or a phrase.
4. Nominate at least a few bloggers.

I Am…
B. Book worm
C.  Confident
D. Drama Queen
E. Emotional
F.  Friendly
G. Grounded
H. Humble
I.    Interesting
J.  Jovial
K. Kind hearted
L.  Likes to travel
M. Music/movie lover
N. Nationalistic
O. Optimistic
P.  Poised
Q. Quick witted
R. Romantic
S.  Scrabble-lover
T.  thinker
U. Unique
V. Vibrant colors’ is a weak point
W.                Writer
X. extravagant
Y. Young at heart
Z. Zealous

1.       Magical Mystical Teacher
2.     Brian Miller
3.     Sumana Roy
4.     Kalpana Solsi
5.     Rudrapragya 


  1. Thank you from the heart for nominating me for this award.I will be following the rules.

    1. You deserve it Rudra...
      Happy blogging! :)

  2. ha. vibrant colors are a weak point here as well...
    so are you an auditor by trade then? i used to work in banking years ago...
    thanks for thinking of me...here is my A-Z

    a - authentic
    b - bold
    c - care/filled
    d - determined
    e - enthused
    f - feeler
    g - genuine
    h - hopeful
    i - idiot (at times)
    j - jelly donut eater
    k - kaleidoscopic
    l - light lover
    m - maleable
    n - noticer
    o - open
    p - peculiar
    q - quirky
    r - rare
    s - superhero wanna be (ha)
    t - torqued
    u - unique
    v - vermillion (just cause i love that word)
    w - warrior
    x - xyloid (well i like the woods, ha)
    y - yellow (fav color)
    z - zany (at times)

    1. Thanks a lot Brian...
      For being so quick!

      Happy blogging :)

  3. Thank you so much Satya and I will accept it fulfilling all the rules.
